David Clark: Photography in 100 Words

Photography journalist and author David Clark has interviewed 50 photographers, and has selected portions of those interviews along with one image by each photographer and has presented these side by side.  From each interview, he highlights 2 words that he (Clark) feels are significant and shed light on that photographer’s approach to his work. (Hence the 100 Words referenced in the title.) The majority of the images were chosen by Clark, though some were chosen by the respective photographers themselves.
This hardbound edition from Focal Press is a nicely printed and presented volume.  The printed interviews are well laid out and easy on the eyes, and the images themselves are reproduced nicely.
The photographers range from famous names like David Bailey, Steve McCurry, Mary Ellen Mark, and Elliott Erwitt to less familiar names (at least, less familiar to me!) like Tom Stoddart and Steve Pyke, but the quality of their images is indicative of a generally high level of accomplishment.
I’ve found this book a good source for jumping off and learning more about some photographers whose work I have not been familiar with, and it also makes enjoyable reading to learn more about the mindset of the photographers who make these excellent images.  I appreciate that the interviews aren’t so much focused on explanations of specific images, but a glimpse into the minds behind the images.